We are Prepared for Large Tree Removals

By now, many of you have probably seen some of the pictures and video of one of the largest trees we have removed. The tree was beautiful and majestic. We really wish it didn't have to be removed, but unfortunately over 50% of the top of this tree was dead and posed a real hazard to the house. While it was an amazing specimen, it really needed to be removed.

Click here to watch the video!

Trees provide food, shade and protection to us and wildlife, but they could also cause serious damage when they do not receive proper care. This becomes especially true if the large tree has been planted too close to a home or common area.

Here are a few questions to ask to help decide whether a large tree is safe to keep on your property.

  1. How tall is the tree?

  2. How far is the tree from the home or other structures?

  3. Could the tree's root system affect the foundation of the home or other structures?

  4. Does the tree look healthy?

  5. Has the tree been damaged during a storm?

No matter the size or type of tree, property owners should make every effort to reduce risk with proper pruning and health care practices for their trees. It is a good idea to have regular trimming and pruning of any tall trees on your property. Proper care and pruning of branches can allow better air flow when strong winds and storms pass through.

If you have any questions about a tree on your property, it is always best to contact a professional for a proper assessment. This is especially important to do after a storm, if you suspect the tree may have been damaged.

We are certified to systematically identify and assess tree risk through our ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). The TRAQ program sets standards, systematic processes for assessing tree risk and providing information to tree owners and risk managers for making informed decisions that will promote the safety of people and property, as well as enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.

Browning Tree Service employs Joshua Browning ISA certified arborist license #KY-9849A who is a proud member of Indiana Arborist Association and International Society of Arboriculture, serving the West Lafayette and Lafayette, Indiana area!

