Where Trees Are Planted Can Affect Your Home’s Value

It is no secret that landscaping and trees play an effect on property value. Whether you are looking to sell, looking to buy or just looking forward to spring landscaping, make sure you consider more than just curb appeal!

"When trees are planted too close to the home, large tree roots can extend underneath the property, causing foundation issues. While beautiful, the oak, willow and poplar trees are known for their potential to damage property when not planted properly."

Along with considering how trees may affect your home and property, don't forget to consider the surrounding area, too. "When deciding which trees to plant and where to plant them, don’t forget to look up; tall trees planted in an incorrect place can interfere with electric and cable lines running above your home."

When a tree removal is neccessary, a new tree should be planted to replace that tree. Planting trees properly is no easy task and we will assist with the selection of a new one.

We are certified to systematically identify and assess tree risk through our ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). The TRAQ program sets standards, systematic processes for assessing tree risk and providing information to tree owners and risk managers for making informed decisions that will promote the safety of people and property, as well as enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.

Browning Tree Service employs Joshua Browning ISA certified arborist license #KY-9849A who is a proud member of Indiana Arborist Association and International Society of Arboriculture, serving the West Lafayette and Lafayette, Indiana area!


