Prepare Your Trees for the Hot Days of Summer and Storm Season

With our trees now full of bountiful, green leaves, it reminds us that summer is just around the corner. It may also be a time that you notice a tree hasn't been producing as much as it used to, or it may seem a bit bare compared to the others.

As you prepare for the hot days of summer ahead, consider these simple tree care tips to keep your trees healthy.

  1. Protect tree and roots with mulch, but do NOT mound the mulch against the trunk.

  2. Water during the dry season.

  3. Fertilize as needed.

  4. Prune away any diseased, dead or damaged branches.

  5. Examine for any pests. Visit Purdue Extension of Forestry and Natural Resources to learn more about common pests or diseases to watch out for.

  6. Examine trees before the storm season.

These are great steps to take to prepare your trees for the summer. If you have any further questions about the health of your trees, it is best to seek a professional arborist, especially to examine any pest infestation or care of large trees.

Browning Tree Service employs Joshua Browning ISA certified arborist license #KY-9849A who is a proud member of Indiana Arborist Association and International Society of Arboriculture, serving the West Lafayette and Lafayette, Indiana area!
